We're on holidays from Saturday 13th July with limited email access until Monday 5th of August. For any health matters of urgency please always see your appropriate health care provider. Love M.A.


Which dosha is dominant in your mind? Is it Vata? Pitta? or Kapha? Take the Modern Ayurvedic mind type test to find out.
Takes - 15mins
Dosha test


Did you know that the doshas - Vata, Pitta + Kapha - each have their own little voices? The doshas are so much more than the physical body, they are manifestations of energetic frequencies that reflect the 20 universal qualities. 

To learn more about how the doshas influence the mind click here.

If you are feeling imbalanced in the mind or body, or just wanting to explore and channel your natural potential, then we would love to work 1:1 in a health consultation

If all this dosha talk is new to you, then you may like to read up on each one: Vata Pitta Kapha.

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